Sunday, March 29, 2009

We Got Our Puppy!

A couple very exciting things have happened to Peter and I the last week...

First, We added a puppy to our ever growing 4-legged family! He has been such a joy yet a lot of work as you all might imagine! We got him at 7 weeks and he is currently 8 weeks old. He is half German Sheppard/half Belgium Malinois. The breeder thinks he'll be any where between 65-85#. He'll be a big one. In his litter their were 4 females and 4 males - the 3 other males were given to counties/police departments for K-9 training. His dad is currently a K-9 for Chisago County. Peter and I will be sending him through a month training this summer to be professionally trained. We need to cut out the aggressive side of him (that will be most likely come out) before it starts. He has a very strong blood line - both mom and dad are from overseas. Dogs are such a joy and so much fun to have around! We are excited for him to get past the puppy stage though...we still have a long way to go though.

Second, We FINALLY found a house! We canceled the short sale situation we were in and put an offer on a house in Coon Rapids last Thursday! The house is a foreclosure and we heard back from the bank Friday afternoon that they had excepted our offer! We are THRILLED and we got a HUGE house for just the 2 of us and 3 dogs. The house is located in Coon Rapids and is on almost a half acre of land (Peter and I are going to have a ton of yard work!) But, it's a nice big back yard for entertaining and our dogs to play in. The house has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. We hope to close all depends on inspection and how fast our mortgage guy can get his side of the work completed. The house needs some up-dating, but it is "livable" so we can do things as time goes on. Great house and I can't wait to entertain our friends and family!!

More later...Thanks for visiting!!!

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