Friday, March 13, 2009

Peter with Sadie (pug) and Taz (Puddle/Yorkie)

This is exciting, but I have no idea what I am doing ;)

Well, Just to give you a little taste of what Our life is like right now - We are extremely busy trying to find a house! We were in the process purchasing a house, but it has basically fallen through with the bank. Just a piece of advise from us to you: Do not go through a Short Sale process! It sucks! We LOVED that house. It is is Birchwood Village (White Bear Lake area) and the house actually has deeded lake access to White Bear Lake. We were in love with it the second we walked into the house. It makes you feel like you're up north being that close to the lake. As far as we knew, it was owned by a single women who had moved in with her fiance, so she is selling it. We put our offer and it was excepted by the seller. EXCITING! Then we found out that the seller and her Realtor listed the house $20,000 under what she owes on it. We excepted the house at the listed price, so we assumed we were good to go. Now we have to wait for the banks approval and it's not looking good :( So, tomorrow we are starting again from square one back to looking for a house. Hopefully we can find one that we love just as much if not more.

We do have some good news: We are expanding our little (fur baby) family! We have a 7 week old German Shepherd/Belgium Malimois coming on March 20th. We will now be a three dog family and NO house yet! - YIKES! We still have Taz and Sadie.

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