Sunday, March 29, 2009

We Got Our Puppy!

A couple very exciting things have happened to Peter and I the last week...

First, We added a puppy to our ever growing 4-legged family! He has been such a joy yet a lot of work as you all might imagine! We got him at 7 weeks and he is currently 8 weeks old. He is half German Sheppard/half Belgium Malinois. The breeder thinks he'll be any where between 65-85#. He'll be a big one. In his litter their were 4 females and 4 males - the 3 other males were given to counties/police departments for K-9 training. His dad is currently a K-9 for Chisago County. Peter and I will be sending him through a month training this summer to be professionally trained. We need to cut out the aggressive side of him (that will be most likely come out) before it starts. He has a very strong blood line - both mom and dad are from overseas. Dogs are such a joy and so much fun to have around! We are excited for him to get past the puppy stage though...we still have a long way to go though.

Second, We FINALLY found a house! We canceled the short sale situation we were in and put an offer on a house in Coon Rapids last Thursday! The house is a foreclosure and we heard back from the bank Friday afternoon that they had excepted our offer! We are THRILLED and we got a HUGE house for just the 2 of us and 3 dogs. The house is located in Coon Rapids and is on almost a half acre of land (Peter and I are going to have a ton of yard work!) But, it's a nice big back yard for entertaining and our dogs to play in. The house has 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. We hope to close all depends on inspection and how fast our mortgage guy can get his side of the work completed. The house needs some up-dating, but it is "livable" so we can do things as time goes on. Great house and I can't wait to entertain our friends and family!!

More later...Thanks for visiting!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Peter's current favorite You Tube video...Take a look. It's pretty good :)
Bottom Picture: One of our first pictures together. We danced to Prince' Purple Rain @ The Dogout in Mahtomedi.
Top Picture: We met while he was working for Stillwater Police and me with Woodbury Police.

We met in December of 2007 and we started dating
February 13, 2008 -
we recently just celebrated our 1 year.
Peter with Sadie (pug) and Taz (Puddle/Yorkie)

This is exciting, but I have no idea what I am doing ;)

Well, Just to give you a little taste of what Our life is like right now - We are extremely busy trying to find a house! We were in the process purchasing a house, but it has basically fallen through with the bank. Just a piece of advise from us to you: Do not go through a Short Sale process! It sucks! We LOVED that house. It is is Birchwood Village (White Bear Lake area) and the house actually has deeded lake access to White Bear Lake. We were in love with it the second we walked into the house. It makes you feel like you're up north being that close to the lake. As far as we knew, it was owned by a single women who had moved in with her fiance, so she is selling it. We put our offer and it was excepted by the seller. EXCITING! Then we found out that the seller and her Realtor listed the house $20,000 under what she owes on it. We excepted the house at the listed price, so we assumed we were good to go. Now we have to wait for the banks approval and it's not looking good :( So, tomorrow we are starting again from square one back to looking for a house. Hopefully we can find one that we love just as much if not more.

We do have some good news: We are expanding our little (fur baby) family! We have a 7 week old German Shepherd/Belgium Malimois coming on March 20th. We will now be a three dog family and NO house yet! - YIKES! We still have Taz and Sadie.